Beyond Braces: An Alternative Orthodontic Options for Growing Kids
"Braces are considered the final option for aligning teeth and jaws, only if all other opportunities to correct them have been missed"
​As a parent, you want your child to have a healthy smile and beautiful face. Braces are not the only option for growing kids. Discover the importance of early orthodontic consultation and how treatments vary with age. Explore alternative options like removable appliances, jaw expansion, jaw growth modifications, space maintainers, habit breaking appliances, and more.
Join us in discovering the best orthodontic options for your growing child beyond braces.
Importance of early orthodontic consultation
Early orthodontic consultation is crucial as it allows for the early detection of orthodontic problems.
By addressing these issues at a young age, the worsening of orthodontic problems can be prevented.
Orthodontic treatment plans differ based on age, catering to the specific needs of children, teenagers, and adults.
Age: 5-8 Years
Check for Dental Cavities

Maintaining Cavity free teeth - Crucial - to prevent crooked teeth

Healthy milk teeth maintain the space for permanent teeth
Cavity fillings should be done immediatly
The presence of cavities between the milk teeth can result in a reduction in arch length, which has the potential to cause dental irregularities in the permanent teeth.
If you discover any tooth decay in the child's mouth, it is advisable to schedule an appointment with a dentist and undergo the necessary fillings.
Age: 5-10 Years
Monitor the premature shedding of baby teeth
Early shedding of baby Teeth

If milk teeth are lost at an early stage, it can cause the back teeth to move forward. As a result, there won't be enough room for permanent teeth to come in properly.
Space Maintainers

Space Maintainers are orthodontic appliances that can be either fixed or removable. Their purpose is to preserve the space for a future permanent tooth.

Space Maintainers help to prevent the movement of teeth that are next to each other into empty spaces.
Age: 5-8 Years
Examine for any extra or additional teeth, as well as supernumerary teeth.
Supernumerary tooth or supplementary teeth

The alignment of other teeth may be disrupted by the presence of an extra tooth.

Super-numerary tooth can block the erupting permanent tooth.
Extraction of supernumerary tooth
The removal of an extra tooth is necessary in order to preserve the integrity of the dental arch.
Age: 5-10 Years
Examine the alignment of the upper jaw in relation to the lower jaw.

The lower jaw is positioned more forwardly than the upper jaw.
Examine the alignment of both the upper and lower teeth

The upper front tooth rests behind the lower front tooth when biting.
Immediate orthodontist intervention is recommended
This condition is called Class III malocclusion.
This is due to upper jaw growth deficiency.
​​If the correction is not done before the age of 10, surgical intervention can only be considered after reaching 18 years of age.
Treatment option: Face Mask orthodontic appliance

Orthodontic face mask treatment can be utilized to alter the growth of the upper jaw, typically when the child is between 9-10 years old.
Surgical intervention can only be considered if the correction is not done before the age of 10, and only after reaching 18 years of age.
Age: 5-12 Years
Examine upper jaw width: Narrow Upper arch

Upper back teeth are placed inside the lower back teeth (Ideally, the upper back teeth are positioned to be more outward than the lower teeth).
Narrow maxilla or constricted upper arch
A narrow maxillary arch can result in
Restricted airway passage
Reduced chewing efficiency
Posterior cross bite and
Crowded teeth
The habit of prolonged thumb sucking is one factor that can contribute to the narrowing of the maxillary arch.
Expansion with palatal expanders

Palatal expanders are available in both removable and fixed forms.
To achieve arch expansion, the screw must be regularly activated.
The orthodontist will determine the schedule for activating the screw based on the specific appliance and treatment plan.
Age: 7-9 Years
Severe crowding in the upper and lower front teeth

Serial Extractions
Serial extractions procedure is recommended when crowding cannot be avoided in the permanent teeth. This involves a planned and programmed extraction pattern.
The orthodontist will require all treatment records, radiographs, and a comprehensive treatment plan for this process.
By following this method, the duration of braces treatment can be minimized or even avoided in some cases.
Age: 9-12 Years
Examine the alignment of the lower jaw in relation to the upper jaw.

Immediate orthodontist intervention is necessary.
Class II skeletal malocclusion is the term used to describe this condition.
The growth of the lower jaw is inadequate and it is positioned further back in comparison to the upper jaw.
The lower teeth are crowded together.
There is a significant gap between the upper and lower front teeth.
The chin is positioned backwards.
There is a lip trap between the upper and lower front teeth.
Treatment options: Promote the lower jaw growth by functional appliances

Functional appliances can come in either a removable or fixed form. The duration of treatment is typically around 6 to 10 months.
There is a wide variety of functional appliances to choose from, and the orthodontist will decide on the most suitable type based on factors such as the patient's age, growth stage, and maturation status.
Age after 10 years
Once all of your permanent teeth have fully emerged, you are eligible to have braces.
Diagnose your dental condition by examining the images provided below.


Posterior Openbite

Large overjet


Posterior Crossbite

Anterior Openbite

Anterior Crossbite
Treatment option: Braces or Invisalign
Orthodontic braces are dental appliances that are used to correct misaligned teeth and jaws. They consist of brackets, wires, and rubber bands that work together to apply gentle pressure to the teeth, gradually moving them into their desired positions. The treatment process typically lasts for a period of several months to a few years, depending on the severity of the orthodontic issues being addressed. During this time, regular adjustments are made by an orthodontist to ensure that the teeth are moving in the right direction. Orthodontic braces have proven to be highly effective in achieving straighter teeth and improving oral health and function. They also have cosmetic benefits, as they can enhance one's smile and boost self-confidence. It is important to consult with an orthodontist to determine if braces are the appropriate treatment option for individual needs.
Types of braces:
Lingual Braces
Gold braces
During Active growth
Age: 11 to 17 years
Observe lower jaw growth and position

Treatment option: Controlling lower jaw growth
Treating skeletal class III malocclusion cases can be quite challenging due to the difficulty in controlling the growth of the lower jaw. In such cases, appliances like chin cups are used to redirect the growth of the lower jaw downwards. This method is particularly beneficial for patients with a shorter facial height.
Ideally, it is recommended to wait until the end of the growth period before initiating treatment.
Mild to moderate cases can be managed with orthodontic treatment using braces and mini screws, while severe cases may require surgery as the best option.
However, the final treatment plan will be determined after a thorough examination of the patient and review of their orthodontic records by the best orthodontist in Dubai.

Chin Cup